
No More Hot Water: What to Do?


– Step 1: Identify the type of failure

– Step 2: Case 1: No hot water due to a power outage

– Step 3: Case 2: Thermostat or Resistor Failure

– Step 4: Case 3: air-loaded balloon

You were getting ready to take a good shower… and now you have no hot water, even though no one has taken a shower before you (you suspect no one could have broken the shower). What can you do? Before calling a professional, here are a few things to think about.

1. Identify the type of breakdown

First, identify the type of failure: is it a hydraulic failure or an electrical failure?

– If the hot water is no longer flowing (or the flow is very low), it is a hydraulic failure: you will probably need a plumber.

– If, when you open the hot water, the flow is normal but the water is cold, it is probably an electrical failure.

2. Case 1: More hot water due to an electrical failure

If you have diagnosed a power failure, first check your power supply:

– Is your water heater receiving proper power?

– Is the timer, if you have one, working properly?

– Have you touched your power supply?

– Check the circuit breaker and fuse for your water heater. There may also be a short circuit.

3. Case 2: Thermostat or Resistor Failure

If the power supply is working properly, the problem may be due to a failure of the thermostat or heater resistance.

– The thermostat may simply have been disarmed. In this case, it can be reset by pressing the button on the thermostat (which usually requires opening the bottom cover of the water heater, be careful where you put your fingers, as in any work with electricity).

– If the thermostat is not simply disarmed, it may be out of service. A thermostat is relatively inexpensive and can be changed relatively quickly. So it’s not a breakdown that will cost you a lot of money.

– If the thermostat is working, and the electrical circuit is in good working order, it may be your resistance that is faulty. A resistor often costs more than half the price of a water heater. If the water heater is old, the cost of replacing it compared to the cost of repairing a water heater is worth considering as this option is faster and therefore less labour intensive.

4. Case 3: air-charged storage tank

Hydraulically, it can happen that the balloon is loaded with air, which prevents water from entering the balloon. In this case, simply open the hot water tap to let the water remaining in the tank flow and the associated air out. Then the tank should refill properly.

With a water heater there are as many problems as there are solutions:

– Do you have a malfunction and are you looking for a quick solution? Have a look at the website of Marlin Plumbing of Miami. They will solve your water heater problems.

– Once the problem has been identified and the solution known, you need to know what the landlord and the tenant are responsible for in troubleshooting the water heater.

– Prevention is better than cure: also think about the maintenance of the water heater by having it checked by a professional at least once a year.

All in all, hope this post helps you out in determining your water heater issue. Remember to share your experience in the comment section below. And, don’t hesitate to write your request for a post on a subject of your particular interest.

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